Back in 2008, when two young and enthusiastic surfing fanatics met by chance at the Swiss Surfing Championships in France, they could have never have imagined that 9 years later, they would be creating an alternative surf camp at the heart of Brazil…

Andrea and Stefanie began their journey when the idea came to them over an inspirational Caipirinha in Taíba, Brazil, where Andrea was living.

It was one of those moments – you start with a silly idea
and suddenly an idea becomes reality.

Stefanie – “We were sitting in the garden after a great surf session and the idea came up to build our own surfcamp. It was one of those moments – you start with a silly idea and suddenly an idea becomes reality. Shortly after my visit I bought the land and so our Taíba Surf & Yoga journey started.”

A not so silly idea after all!

Andrea – “We were drinking Caipirinhas and talking about how this place would be perfect for a little surfcamp. And suddenly we were dreaming and making plans for our own surfcamp. At this point I never thought that we would really do it!”

Fast forward to 2017 and the construction is in its final stages. As Andrea has been living in Taiba for the last 10 years, she understands how the local community works. For Stefanie this is much more of a challenge as she continues to live in Switzerland for the time being, working as a language and literature teacher at a high school.

As soon as the decision had been made, everything felt good!

Stefanie – “The most difficult part for me was to make the final decision to start a new project, give up my job and try something completely new. Because of this I had some sleepless nights, but on the other hand it felt right, so I had no choice but to trust my gut feelings. As soon as the decision had been made, everything felt good!”

Andrea – “I think it was a lot easier for me than for Steffi. I was already here in Taíba and I didn’t have to change my whole life to start this project. So I really admire her courage to take this step. For me the most difficult part at the moment is getting all the work done. We both are still working in our ‘normal’ jobs and at the same time we have to organise a thousand things for the surfcamp before we can start in October.”

Andrea is currently still working as a freelance desktop publisher and web-designer, whilst finding the time to be a full-time mother to a 6-year old son!

With the support of friends and family, and with constant positive feedback from everyone around them, it would seem that Taíba Surf and Yoga is set to be a huge success. No longer do the team doubt their crazy dream!

So now it is time to concentrate on building a great surf, kitesurfing and yoga community in Taíba and sharing their passion and connecting with others, who share the same passion too.

Don’t ever stop dreaming big!

Don’t ever stop dreaming big! Dreams, with hard work and imagination, can come true. And for Stefanie and Andrea, life living on a surfboard is just a few months away…

Look out for more news, pictures and stories coming soon on the Taíba Surf and Yoga blog.


  • Giiirls! I am so happy that soon we’ll have a surf and yoga camp at one of Ceara’s best surfing beach! I can’t wait to get to know it!
    Congratulations for the courage of making the dream come true, not letting the fear stop you!
    I did a similar move back in 2014 opening my own small business which mission was to inspire people to live a lifestyle of surf and yoga principles, very connected with nature, and I can garantee this was one of the most important moves I did to evolve as a person and as a soul. 💙
    Nowadays, I am changing name, logo and business model (soon it will be launched) and I’m very interested in getting to know how the camp and the whole idea will work because surf & yoga still speaks closely to our new project. And we look for partners like you!
    Please let me know when you have a moment so we can get to know each other and talk about future partnership.

    All the best luck for you! May the waves bring you great vibes!
    Namasloha 🙂

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